ReWIld for Men
September 5th - 7th
Mana Retreat Centre
A weekend for men offered by men who are curious to embody the map to wholeness as described by Bill Plotkin. Using mythology, ritual, movement and music and nature we will embody the resources of the four archetypes of human wholeness, namely; The Wild Indigenous man, Soul Muse; Sacred fool/trickster/innocent and the Nurturing Generative Adult.
This is for men who are moved by rites of passage processes and who share the motivation to function well in both the everyday world as well as the world of creativity and Soul.
This is a weekend for men who are ready to move beyond their comfortable self, nudge the possibilities that exist when men dare to show up with courage, care and curiosity.
The four facets of wholeness could be understood as a resources. Each archetype has a gift. Some men want to expose their wildness, others the dimensions of soul, others innocence and generativity.
We work with the belief that it is our wounding where are gifts live. What our communities need are men who are doing the inner work to be in service to life. Rites of passages are ways to confirm this inner work, the real work is being is done in the intimacy of our ordinary lives. It is about growing self awareness, learning to feel, asking for support by mentors and communities of men. We will lean into mythology to help us reconnect the inner child with the resources of a instinctive and creative adult who is capable for the generative capacities of Soul.
If you want to know if this unique and rare mens event is for you, we suggest watching the following video about Bill Ploktin work.